CFFH Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency (PEMF) therapy is a great option for patients who don’t respond to conventional medical care.
PEMF Therapy is a safe, effective, non-invasive treatment meaning no surgery, no medication, no injections or needles. It is used to help a wide variety of conditions – including many dismissed as chronic or unmanageable. An excellent study was done by NASA, where they discovered the benefits of the type of PEMF we offer promotes:
At CFFH, we’re patient-focused and committed to targeting the individual root causes of your illness.
Are you feeling frustrated with your current treatment? Do you find that your doctor or team of specialists are not connecting all the dots? Is the cost of your medication rising, or are you scared of a life-disrupting surgery? At our office in Carmel PEMF Therapy has been found to be helpful for the following conditions:
If you feel lost or disconnected from your friends and family because of your condition, please consider PEMF Therapy in Carmel.
Get StartedYour body uses a molecule called “adenosine triphosphate” (ATP) as fuel for your cells.
A session of PEMF powers up your ATP, ensuring your cells function optimally. By focusing on the cellular level, PEMF improves how your body heals itself, from the inside and out. Your cells also gain improved nutrient absorption and waste removal functions. When cells are able to align and communicate with one another better, your whole body sees the benefits. PEMF Therapy can improve the inner workings of every single cell. This can mean better circulation and reduced inflammation. Your muscular system can also contract and relax more efficiently.
PEMF Therapy is ideal for people with chronic conditions who feel they have exhausted all their medical options without the results they hoped for.
In some cases, patients have been previously told the only option left is surgery.
The associated potential risks and long recovery time can be concerning. Or you may think that you have run out of choices entirely. There are over 300 medical uses of non-invasive PEMF. The PEMF Therapy itself lasts no longer than the average spa treatment and is a convenient course of care that may bring real serious relief.
Get StartedStop living in pain and discomfort. Surgery might not be the only option! We share your values and want to provide you with real answers and optimize your health. We are motivated to give you your life back, so you can achieve all the things you were put on this earth to do.
We are your biggest cheerleaders!
We want you to feel better, with improved energy and mobility so you can be Fully Functional® to meet all your goals. With PEMF Therapy Carmel patients can expect to pay in ranges from $30-$60 per session, depending on their needs. More details will come after meeting with a physician to discuss your course of treatment.
Schedule an Appointment Today.
The Center for Fully Functional Health® is led by a team of award-winning, internationally recognized physicians, committed to providing personalized, life-changing care.